Duy Tân | Chat Online
09/10/2021 18:21:55

Complete the sentences with a suitable word. The first letter of each word is given

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Complete the sentences with a suitable word. The first letter of each word is
1 Briony spent a long time on her project, but it was w.
it because
she got excellent marks.
2 At the conference I was given a s
with my name on it. I had
to wear it on my jacket.
3I made a joke, but my friend just laughed n
and looked
away. I don't think he liked it.
4 We didn't know where Andy was until Harry s
him in the
5 Cars are the main form of t.
in my town. There aren't
many buses or trains.
6 We need to get the m.
across that people need to do more
to protect the environment.
71 always buy o
fruit and vegetables because they don't
contain pesticides.
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