Trần Hữu Việt | Chat Online
11/02/2018 18:18:41

Luang Prabang is a small city located in north central Laos. In the past, the city ... the royal capital

Luang Prabang is a small city located in north central Laos. In the past, the city (1)_________ the royal capital and seat of government of the Kingdom of Laos. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1995. The population of the city is (2)_______ 50,000.

In the recent years, more and more foreign tourists are coming to Luang Prabang. It (3)_________dozens temples and many other religious sites. One of the major landmarks in the city is a large steep hill on which sits Wat Chom Si. Walking is the (4)_______ option to visit these many small restaurants in the city, and (5)_________ is really slow and peaceful in Luang Prabang.
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