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11/10/2021 19:33:20

Complete each sentence with a word/phrase from the box. There is one extra word/phrase

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Write some handicrafts under each picture:
II. Complete each sentence with a word/phrase from the box. There is one extra word/phrase.
Paintings /pottery / drum / silk / lacquerware / conical hats /baskets
1. These product are called
2. These
3. To play this
4. This vase is a beautiful piece of
5. Lots of Vietnamese girls like wearing
6. When I go somewhere on holiday, I usually buy
III. Use the correct form of these words to complete each sentence.
1. It was difficult to understand the
2. Scientists are seeking the best ways to deal with the
3. It's
4. Peter has a lot of woolen
5. I have discovered the
6. We need new
7. I can't see the
8. Her novels are full of
9. There is a wide
10. Try and smile. You don't want to give people the wrong
11. The building is of
12. When did your grandparents set up this
IV. Rearrange the following sentences:
1. this/ although/ it/ artefacts/ samll/ unique/ museum/ is/ has/ many
because they are decoratively covered with lacquer.
are made of thin bamboo strips that are woven together.
you should use your hands, not sticks.
It's made from clay dug from our river banks.
and Ao Dai.
as souvenirs because I love works of art.
dialect (LOCATE)
impact of pollution
in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day. (TRADITION)
to wear in winter. (SCARF)
differences between the two communities. (CULTURE)
to sell in the market. (PRODUCE)
of sitting on a beach all day. (ATTRACT)
characters. (FORGET)
of patterns to choose from. (VARIOUS)
importance. (HISTORY)
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