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12/10/2021 05:45:32

Give the correct form of the verb in brackets

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VII: Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. Last week, my friend (invite)
2. If you (not, do)
3. Congratulations, Trang. You (just, win)
..me to join his family on a trip to his home
...morning exercises, you should play sports instead.
.the first prize in the English Speaking
4. Our beach should (clean)...
5. Don't forget (take)...
6. Scientists suggested (spend). .
VIII: Give the correct forms of the words in the brackets.
....everyday to make it more beautiful.
.your identity card with you to the interview.
....money on research into solar energy.
1. Many people are very concerned about the (destroy)...
2. The air in the city is heavily (pollute)...
3. The local residents promise to keep the environment (clean). .
4. Our teacher is pleased that we solved the problems (effect).
contence has ONE mistake. Find and correct it.
.of the rainforests.
.with traffic fumes.
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