Diệu Linh Nguyễn | Chat Online
14/10/2021 00:05:20

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----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
David swims the
Cook Strait
David Johnson has loved swimming all his life.
When he was 27, he swam in a race near his home
in the USA. The sea was very cold and David
started to feel unwell. He was taken to hospital but
he soon got better and started swimming again. In 1983, he became the first
person to swim from Santa Cruz Island to the Californian coast.
In January 2004, at the age of 52, David crossed New Zealand's Cook Strait in
9 hours and 38 minutes. The oldest swimmer before David was only 42 years
old. David spent over a year getting ready to swim the Strait. Then, he and his
wife flew to New Zealand so that David could practise for a few weeks there.
But, only days after they arrived, the weather improved so David decided to
start his swim. He did it with the help of a team. 'They were great,' David said.
"They were in a boat next to me all the time! After a few hours, I thought about
stopping but I didn't and went on swimming.'
Afterwards, David and his wife travelled around New Zealand before returning
to the USA.
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