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14/10/2021 14:24:14

Complete the sentences using one of the verbs below in the correct tense

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
4 Complete the sentences using one of the verbs below in the correct tense. Use each verb once.
find get do take travel finish go stop enjoy have save visit not get
A What a
will you do
when you b
the exams?
B I'm not sure. If I c
good enough results, I d
A Me too, but if I can, I e
a year off to work and then I f
for six months.
B Where to?
A That depends. If I g
enough money, I h
and the Far East.
B Won't you find it difficult to study again if you i
for a year?
A I don't think so. I reckon I j
my studies more if I k
a break first.
B Anyway, unless you I
a job first, you won't have enough money to
A I know. I'll start to look for work straight away when we finish here in June.
B Well, you might be lucky. Come on, unless we do some studying now, we
places at university.
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