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14/10/2021 14:47:33

Read the passage caretully and choose the correct answers

Hứa sẽ chấm điểm ạ.
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
II. Read the passage caretully and choose the correct answers.
Gift giving is important in Vietnam because of the significance of interpersonal
relationships in Vietnamese culture.
First and foremost, do not encourage corruption. There is a clear cut between
gift-giving and bribery. Nevertheless, it is common in Vietnam for exchanging small gifts
on certain occasions such as anniversary, Tet holiday... to express your respect, love,
appreciation or gratitude.
Gift-giving customs depend on the context. If it is a private gift for one Vietnamese
partner you should give the gift at a private occasion. If you have a gift for the whole office
or company, you should give it after the business meeting with the whole office's employee.
Do not wrap a gift in the black paper because this colour is unlucky and associated
with funerals in Vietnam. Gifts that symbolize cutting such as scissors, knives and other
sharp objects should be avoided because they mean the cutting of the relationship.
Vietnamese may or may not open these gifts when they are received; leave the optlon
to them. You will also receive gifts and should defer to your host as to whether you should
open it when received or not. Regardless of when it is opened or what it is, profuse thanks
are always appropriate.
1. According to the passage, why is gift giving important in Vietnam?
a. Because It helps to establish a friendship.
b. Because it's common in Vietnamese culture.
c. Because it's the best way to build up a stable relationship.
d. Because personal relationships play a vital role in Vietnamese culture.
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2. Which of the followings should not be a reason for gift giving?
b. To bribe somebody
a. To show appreciation
c. To express gratitude
3. When giving a gift, you should .
d. To show affection
a. wrap it in black or white paper
b. give it in the business meeting
c. never give sharp objects, such as knives or scissors
d. avoid giving it at a private occasion
4. When receiving a gift, you should,
b. try to find what is it
d. ask your host to open it
a. always say "thank you"
c. open it in front of the giver
5. Which of the following is NOT true about gift giving customs in Vietnam?
a. Gift giving is a good way of strengthening relationships.
b. Gifts for your partners should be given at private occasions.
c. You should avoid giving anything sharp.
d. It is considered rude not to open the gift in front of the giver.
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