Nguyễn Minh Tâm | Chat Online
14/10/2021 19:48:39

Write the correct word

giúp m với m cần gấp ạ, bạn nào trl đúng, nhanh m chấm điểm cao ạ;-;
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Questions 27-32
For each question, write the correct word.
Write one word for each gap.
Hi Karina,
Guess what! I've finally joined the local girls' football
team in my town! As you know, it's something l've
wanted to do (27).
.ages, so l'm glad l've
finally signed up.
I think my parents were a bit surprised, though, as
I'd never really taken very (28).
interest in
sport, but after watching a women's football match on TV, I just knew it was for me.
I've attended football training every week (29).
then, and last Saturday I played in my first match. It
was really exciting! And (30).... of the best things was that I actually scored a goal! We didn't go on to
win the match, but our coach was still really pleased with our performance.
Our next match is on 25th. You're not on holiday with your parents then, (31)
- you? So why don't you
come along and watch? It would (32)
great to see you!
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