Thảo Zyy | Chat Online
14/10/2021 20:13:14

Dịch đoạn văn sau

gg dịch cx đc dịch giúp mik
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Nobody except my teacher or my boss notices my presence
My teacher or my boss only notices my presence for attendance
I am never asked any questions in meetings or classes
I am never asked to speak out
Nobody makes eye contact with me in class or meetings
Nobody talks to me in class or meetings
I am never asked any questions
Nobody notices me
I am never blamed even doing ridiculous things
Nobody notices or pay attention to anything I do
Any trouble I make in class or meetings disappear as the class goes by and nobody notices it
I am always safe from trouble in class
I can do anything I want in class without getting into trouble
I can do anything I want in class and nobody notices it
I am only asked to talk when I desire to
I am never asked to answer any questions in meetings or classes
I am never asked to open my camera in meetings or classes
My privacy is remained whenever I join an meeting or classes
Nobody notices my presence in meeting or calls
I achieve perfect grades because my teacher forgets to take in any of my homeworks and
My teacher or boss forgets to accept my assignment or homeworks, but I always get perfect
scores because it's my teacher and boss miatake
I am confident that I have a perfect record and report card
Whenever, i have presentations i am called whenever I feel completely confident and ready
I choose the time whenever I am called to a presentation
My teacher or boss likes to forget to accept assignments
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