Rudeus Greyrat | Chat Online
14/10/2021 22:28:15

Fall in

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
253 Fall in: another, thej otherisl, each other, every other.
1 They went skingthe other day. it was fun.
2 Only four people turned up at the christening A
guests had to go somewhere else
3 This shirt doesn't t me - can i try 3utla
one on plesse?
four years Tom will have qualifed as a doctor.
4 in
5 Those magazines belong to Jm,
6 There were only enough seats for 20 passengers on the bus-
belong to me.
had to stand.
7 Some commuters believe it's economical to cycle to work while
use a car-sharing scheme
8 No, we're not close to our destination yet - we have
9 Even though they see
10 Kate is very keen on playing the piano - she has lessons
she practises at home.
preter to
mileso go
every day. they s want to apend more tme together
day and in betweer
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