Nguyễn | Chat Online
15/10/2021 21:26:17

Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting.
31. (A) When he left, Peter (B) forgot that he (C) put his passport and wallet (D
in his other jacket.
32. Graham (A) told Jane that (B) he would (C) see her (D) tomorrow.
33. It (A) took us twenty minutes to (B) discuss about the problems (C) and find
(D) better solutions.
34. Many modern (A) families are finding ways (B) to share household chores
(C) works and care (D) of children.
5. (A) Would you (B) mind telling (C) me where (D) do you come from?
fo fottog
6. (A) Most people find it (B) difficultiy to learn (C) the customs of another
country (D) when they go abroad.
7. The (A) people in (B) this small village (C) live in a (D) closely-knit
B. Even when parents (A) no longer live together, they (B) each continue to take
(C) responsible for their (D) children.
). In some (A) cultures, openness and directness (B) seem rude, (C) childish
and (D) destructive naive.
1. (A) There's differences (B) and similarities (C) between Vietnamese and
American (D) cultures.
15 thg 10
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