hbh | Chat Online
17/10/2021 16:44:19

Hoàn thành đoạn văn

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
My family is small. My family consists of four (1)
parents, my sister and I. My (2).
teacher. My sister is elder than me. She studies in the eighth grade I'm in the fourth
grade. Both of us attend the same (4)
he drops us at school. After school, we come home by (5)
jolly person. In the evenings he tells us many fresh and new stories. He also helps us in
our studies. My mother is a hard working (6).
school she has much work to do. She bathes us and prepares our (7)
also participates in social activities. Therefore she is popular among women.
Women always come to get her advice and is often seen with them.My father comes
I love my (10),
They are my
is a
is a doctor. My (3)
My father has a car. Every morning
My father is a
After coming home from
late. He attends to many patients and has no (9)
to go out.
very much.
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