Chi Dinh | Chat Online
17/10/2021 18:12:11

Choose the correct option

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
EXERCISE 2 Choose the correct option.
When I saw/seen Mary at the office this/that
morning, she wasn't looking very well. In fact she
had looked/looked a bit tired. I tell/asked her
what the matter is/was with her but she
wouldn't tell/say me. I wanted/had been
wanting to know what was going on so I
ask/asked Phil but he didn't/wasn't know,
either. Two hours later, at about ten o'clock, we
met/were meeting at the canteen to have a
cup of coffee. But Mary didn't/wasn't order
anything to drink. I knew she loved coffee so that
was quite strange. When I asked her why she
wasn't/didn't want anything to drink she said
she didn't have/wasn't having her wallet. Her
husband had been taking/had taken it. I
said/asked her how she was coming/
had come to work and she said that as she
didn't have any money at all she come/came on
foot. So that's why she is/was so tired! She
lived in a nearby town which was ten kilometers
away! No wonder why she is/was exhausted!
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