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17/10/2021 19:43:48

Chọn đáp án có câu trả lời đúng

Chọn đáp án 
1, I love going to the beach but I ________ of sunburn.
   A, am afraid                     B, am not afraid 
2, My brother doesn't want to suffer from toothache, so his teeth twice 
   A brushes                      B doesn't brush 
3, My friend wishes to become a doctor one day, so ______ 
  A, he studies very hard     B, he wants to work in his hometown's hospital 
4, My friend wishes to become a doctor one day, _______ he wants to work in his homework 
A, and                                B, so 
5, My father is angry with me, so ______ 
A, he doesn't say a word to me  B, he still takes me to the park 
6, I will go shopping with my mom tomorrow but ________
A, I will buy some new clothes   B, I won't buy anything 
7, Louis is my closest friend and ________
A, he is my co-worker                B, I don't want to talk to him now 
8, ______ or you will be frozen 
A, wear thick clothes                  B, the weather is cold 
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