Nguyễn Ngọc Thảo Quyên | Chat Online
19/10/2021 18:48:20

Write the correct form of verb in brackets

5. He was ______________ of his achievements in the field of politics. (pride)
6. You’d better do some _________________for the final exams. (revise)
7. The _________________ of the project made me tense . (important)
8. She should learn to work in __________________ with our friends. (cooperate)
9. In school, pupils are taught to have good _____________ towards everybody. (behave)
10. If you don’t know the ________________ of a word, you can look it up in a dictionary. (mean)
11. The teacher encourages the ________________ of the pupils in each lesson . (participate)
12. There is room for further ____________________ in your English . (improve)
13. This grammar book is _____________________ both for classroom use and for independent study . (suit)
14. It's a very simple question . You can _________________ answer it . (easy)
15. His _______________ towards her is becoming more and more aggressive . (behave)
16. Her appearance has never been ___________________ explained . (satisfy)
17. We use to __________________ in many activities of communal center in my neighborhood . (participation)
18. I feel very ______________________ to be a part of a team . (pride)
19. Do you know the _____________________ of the word ? (pronounce)
20. You have to ___________________ those English vocabularies every day . (revision)
21. We expect to see further ______________________ over the coming year . (improve)
22. I’m pleased to hear you had an ____________________ summer vacation . (enjoy)
23. Let’s __________________ our graduation party tonight ! (celebration)
24. Don’t you know the ____________________ of self – study ? (important)
25. He is an ____________________ student . (excellence)
26. Thank you for your ______________________ party . (enjoy)
27. Remember to check for _____________________ mistakes before handing in your writing . (spell)
28. ___________________ in the sports competitions is open to everyone in our school . (participate)
29. Her parents are pleased with her good ____________________ . (behave)
30. His ______________________ of some words is not correct . (pronounce)
31. The teacher is pleased with the ____________________ in my study . (improve)
32. Our project wouldn’t be successful without your kind _____________________ . (cooperate)
33. You don’t have to ____________________ the grammar rules to be able to do these exercises . (memory)
34. I can do all of these exercises ___________________ . (easy)
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