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20/10/2021 18:07:15

Present perfect or Past simple

Exercise 5: Present perfect or Past simple:

E.g: I (attend, not) haven’t attended any parties since I came here.

1. Al (go) ________ to a party at Sally’s apartment last Saturday night.

2. Bill (arrive) _________ here three days ago.

3. Bill (be) ____________ here since the 22nd.

4. Try not to be absent from class again for the rest of the term. You (miss, already) ____________ too many classes. You (miss) _________ 2 classes this week.

5. So far this week, I (have) ____________ 2 tests and a quiz.

6. Alex is an artist. He (draw) ____________ many beautiful pictures in his lifetime. Last week, he (draw) ________ a beautiful moutain scene.

7. Jack really needs to get in touch with you. Since this morning, he (call) ____________ here 4 times trying to reach you. He (call) ________ at 9:10, 10:25, 12:12 and 1:45.

8. Janet (wear) ____________ her new blue dress only once since she bought it. She (wear) _______ it to her brother’s wedding last month.

9. Last January, I (see) ________ snow for the first time in my life.

10. Fatima (see, never) _______________ snow in her entire lifetime.

11. I (know) ____________ Greg Adams for 10 years.

12. A: Is Ahmed here yet?

      B: Yes. He (arrive, just) _______________.

13. A:Do you like lobster?

      B: I don’t know. I (eat, never) ________________ it.

14. A: (you, eat) _________________ yet?

      B: No. You?

      A: Yeah. I (eat, already) _______________. I (finish, just) ______________.

15. A: Do you do much traveling?

      B: Yes. I like to travel.

      A: What countries (you, visit) _________________?

      B: Well, I (be) ______________ to India, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Nepal, among others.

      A: I (be, never) _____________ to any of those countries. When (you, be) ____________ in India?

      B: Two years ago. I (visit, also) ____________ many of the countries in Central America. I (take) ________ a tour of Central America 6 years ago.

     A: Which countries (you, visit) _______________?

     B: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

     A: I (want, always) _______________ to travel to other countries, but I (have, not) _____________ the opportunity to travel abroad. I (go) ___________ to England 6 years ago, but I (go, not) _______________ anywhere since then. 
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