Khánh Nghiêm | Chat Online
20/10/2021 19:18:26

Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
You need to take some pain-killers. You can visit the doctor if you want.
II. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning.
I have never donated blood bęfore.
This is the first time...
.I started playing soccer five years ago.
Because he was sick, he didn't come to the party. (so)

4. He was really thirsty, but he didn't drink beer.
→ Although ...
5. Tom couldn't speak English well, so he couldn't get a job.
→ Because
6. Although it rained heavily, we went to school on time. (but)
7. She began driving one month ago.
→ She has...
8. The last time she called me was six months ago.
→ She hasn't...
9. It is a long time since we last met each other.
> We haven't..
10. This is the first time I have eaten such a delicious meal.
→I have
11. I haven't seen him for eight days.
> The last...
12. I find collecting glass bottles interesting.
→ I think
13. Linh thinks playing boarding games is difficult.
→Linh finds
14. My sister fancies arranging flowers. (hobby)
15. It takes me three hours to watch this movie.
I spend
VIII. Read the passage, and then answer the questions.
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