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22/10/2021 09:44:27

Fill in each blank with an article a, an, the, or 0 for no article

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----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
ENGLISH 8 – 15' NO.2
Fill in each blank with an article a, an, the, or 0 for no article:
oldest man plays
2. The Nung's Lung Tung ceremony is always organized in
important role in
Si La village.
first month of
lunar year.
Dao is
4. Bru-Van Kicu people live in
5. La Chi women have _
6. The Bru-Van Kieu's folk singing is
ethnic minority group in
small houses on
tradition of weaving and
Northern Viet Nam.
stilts near rivers or streams.
indigo dycing.
alternating chant between
men and women.
_year of the Lo Lo's calendar has 11 months, and each month corresponds to
name of
8. San Diu people's costumes have gradually adopted
Tay- Thai Group has
Kinh style of
rich traditional folklore with all kinds of
10. Ancestor worship is _
pocms, songs, dances, and musie.
religious rite of _
_Tay and many Kinh families.
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