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23/10/2021 17:30:12

Chọn đáp án đúng để điển vào các câu sau: Who repaired the bicycle for you? - Nobody. I repaired it..

giúp mk với đng gắp
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
pose the best word or phrase to complete the following sentences or do as directed.
1. Who repaired the bicycle for you? - Nobody. I repaired it.. .
A. itself
B. myself
C. yourself
D. himself
2. .is your new English teacher like? - She's very kind.
А. How
B. Who
C. What
D. Which
3. I like Nam's sense of humor. His jokes always make us laugh...
В. unhappy
A. happy
C. happily
D. unhappily
4. Children... with matches. It only takes one match to cause a fire.
A. shouldn't
B. mustn't
C. don't have to
D. don't
5. -Hoa: I can't reach that apple.
- Lan: Don't worry. I.. .you.
A. help
B. will help
C. am going to help
D. helped
6. I think our English is good. . .join our English Speaking Club.
A. Why don't we
7. Putting a knife . .an electrical socket is dangerous.
B. Shall we
C. Let's
D. Can we
A. to
B. into
C. at
D. in
8.. . does Miss Hoa want to be a teacher? -Because she loves children.
A. What
B. Who
C. What
D. Why
9. Choose the incorrect part indicated by A,B,C or D in the following sentence.
Nam is 15 years old . He is not young enough to drive a car.
C. young
A. old
p. to drive
B. not
10. "Hello, Nam. This is my cousin, Thu."
A. Hello, thank you.
B. Nice to meet you, too.
C. It's great.
D. How do you do, Thu.
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