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23/10/2021 17:31:03

Đọc đoạn văn và chọn đáp án đúng trong các câu

giúp mk đng cần gắp 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
II. Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D.
Mr Pike lives in a bedsit in London. It's a part of an old house. He's got a room, a kitchen and he shares
a bathroom with three other people. In his room, there's a bed, an armchair and a coffee table. He's got
a television and a hi-fi, too. In the kitchen, there's a cooker and a sink. There's a small table and two
chairs, too. The kitchen's quite small, but it's OK. There are lots of pubs, cafés, and take aways in the
street, so he doesn't cook a lot.
1. Mr. Pike lives in
A. house
B. room
C. bedsit
D. kitchen
2. He shares the
with three people.
A. bathroom
B. bedroom
C. kitchen
D. cooker
3. The kitchen is
A. tall
B. big
C. nice
D. small
4. There
two chairs in the kitchen
A. is
В. are
C. isn't
D. aren't
a lot because there are lots of pubs, cafés, and take aways in the street.
C. doesn't cook
5. Не
.... ......A
A. cooks
B. don't cook
D. cook
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