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25/10/2021 15:01:32

Complete the sentences with the words from the box

IV. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

          fee                           grade                         exam                        weight                       inquiry

          scenery                    institute                     reputation                linguistics                  experience


31. What is his ………………………?

32. I’m in the ninth ………………………

33. We stopped to admire the ………………………

34. I studied ………………………at a foreign college. 

35. Have you prepared for the coming ………………………?

36. He had a lot of trouble paying the tuition ……………………….

37. I got a lot of ………………………from my part-time job.

38. Hogwarts is a school with an excellent ……………………….

39. It is difficult to become a student at this famous ……………………….

40. The secretary wrote a letter of ………………………to ABC company yesterday.

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