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26/10/2021 18:38:42

Choose the word or phrase among A; B; C or D at best fits the blank space in the following passage

Choose the word or phrase among A, Cor D at best fits the blank space in the following passage.

            Puberty is the time when your body grows from a child's to an adult's. You will know that you are going (1)                    puberty by the way that your body changes.

            If you are a boy, your shoulders will (2)              and your body will become more muscular. These changes are caused by the hormones (3)             your body begins producing in much larger amounts (4)                        before.

            Puberty (5)    over a number of years, and the age at which it starts and ends varies (6)                . It generally begins somewhere between the ages of 7 and 13 for girls, and somewhere between the ages of 9 and 15 for boys, although it can be earlier or later for some (7)                   in age is normal.

            Sometimes, (8)                      ,people pass this normal age range for puberty (9)                    showing any signs of body changes. This is (10)               delayed puberty.                                             C.through                        D.out of

2.A.widen            B.increase                        C.expand                         D.spread               B.what                              C.this                                D.that

4.A.more than     B.than                      well as           

5.A.survives        B.exists                            C.begins                           D.occurs

6.A. wide             B.widely                          C.width                            D.widen

7.A. period          B.offer                              C.range                            D.limit

8.A. however       B.but                                 C.moreover                     D.although

9.A.refusing        B.avoiding                       C.with                              D.without              B.called                            C.being called                 D.having called

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