Đỗ Quang Vinh | Chat Online
27/10/2021 21:16:16

Rewrite the following sentences as suggested

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. Rewrite the following sentences as suggested:
1. My brother drives more carefully than the my father. (less)
My father ....
2. My school now are better equipped than in the past. (worse)
- In the past my school was ....
3. According to tradition, you.. . sweep your house on the first day of
new year. (Fill in the gap with 'should'or 'shouldn't')
4. That man worked hard last year. He didn't succeed. (combine this pair of
sentences using 'although')
5. She was feeling tired;...
the work. (fill the missing word)
.... She went to work and tried to finish
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