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27/10/2021 21:18:39

Choose the words in the box to complete the sentences using past simple tense

II. Choose the words in the box to complete the sentences using past simple tense.












     1.  She ___________ out with her boyfriend last night.

     2.  Laura ___________ a meal yesterday afternoon.

     3.  Mozart ___________ more than 600 pieces of music.

     4.  I ___________ tired when I came home.

     5.  The bed was very comfortable so they ___________ very well.

     6.  Jamie passed the exam because he ___________ very hard.

     7.  My father ___________ the teenagers to drive when he was alive.

     8.  Dave ___________ to make a fire but there was no wood.

     9.  The little boy ___________ hours in his room making his toys.

     10.         The telephone ________         several times and then stopped before I could answer it.

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