Anonymous - Người dùng ẩn danh
28/10/2021 10:26:28

Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from others

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09:58 AA •
8%ל ןו. א
Week 3,4 Eng 8 (1) - Chỉ đọc
CHÍ ĐỌC - Đây là định dạng tệp cũ. Để thực...
Unit 2: Life in the countryside
I. Choose the letter A, B, C or D the word that has the underlined part different from
A. beehive
B. disturb
C. electrical
D. convenient
A. cattle
B. brave
C. grassland
D. nomad
A. collect
B. generous
C. harvest
D. electrical
A. local
B. nomad
C. Mongolia
D. motorist
A. buffalo
B. pasture
C. much
D. funny
A. appliance
В. vast
C. pasture
D. grass
A. highland
B. time
C. appliance
D. nomadic
A. racing
B. nomadic
С. 1осal
D. collect
A. paddy
В. vast
C. land
D. cattle
A. field
C. pick
C. disturb
D. convenient
II. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the sentences
1. Farmers work in
A. paddy
В. candy
C. foody
D. funny
2. He wants to become a
motorist in the future
A. dancing
B. racing
C. herding
D. drawing
3. Nomadic gers are built in
A. big
B. loud
C. vast
D. long
4. If you ask
people, they will tell you the way to Gobi Highlands.
A. national
B. clothing
C. local
D. generous
5. Have you ever seen a buffalo-drawn
A. cart
B. herd
C. cattle
D. ger
6. Playing with the beehive
А. am
В. are
C. be
D. is
7. Don't
your father when he is busy working in his room.
A. collect
B. disturb
C. herd
D. pick
8. In the picture, there is a girl
flowers in the pasture.
A. pick
B. to pick
C. picked
D. picking
9. In
time, farmers use buffalo-drawn cart to take food home.
A. harvest
В. collect
C. cattle
D. local
10. There are some little boys
cattle in the paddy fields.
A. herd
B. herding
C. to herd
D. herds
11. It's
of you to pick me up at the airport.
A. convenient
B. generous
C. electrical
D. local
12. Every houses need to have enough electrical
A. grasslands
B. appliances
C. pastures
D. fields
13. People in my country are very open and
A. friend
B. friendly
C. friends
D. friendly
14. Max says life in the countryside is
than he expected.
A. more convenient
B. convenient
C. the convenient
D. most
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