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28/10/2021 11:07:43

Read what Mat says about his hobby and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb have to

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Read what Matt says about his hobby and complete the
sentences with the correct form of the verb have to.
My name's Matt, and my favourite hobby is drawing.
We usually (1).
at school and I also go to an after-school drawing club
have to draw in art classes
friend Jake. We (2) .
any paper or pencils because our teacher brings them,
but she says we (3).
ideas about what to draw. Jake's great at art, and so
he (4) .
sometimes my pictures aren't very good, so the teacher
(5) .
though. At the end of each term, everyone
put it on the school website for other students to look at.
I hope they like mine this year!
go with some
ask the teacher for help. But
give me some advice. She
tell us what to do very often
.choose their best picture and
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