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28/10/2021 16:41:16

Reading and writing

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Reading & writing
1 Read and write the words in the gaps.
nothing noisy popular bored everyone
"Harry's my brother and (a) everyone says
he looks like me. That's because we're twins!
But he's different from me. He isn't quiet.
He's very (b).
very loudly. At school, Harry's got lots of
friends. He's really (c).
moment, Harry's (d).
says he's got (e).
! He plays his drums
! At the
because he
to do."
lucky kind untidy everywhere everything
1"Everyone likes Holly because she's very
sister Emma and always chats to her.
Holly's very (b).
her things (c).
sister and she knows (e)
me! It's fun!"
. She plays games with our
.. She leaves all
! But I think I'm
because I've got a twin
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