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01/11/2021 16:56:23

Điền tính từ thích hợp vào ô trống

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A A al 100% 1 16:54
9. Did cities grow
(quick) after the Industrial Revolution?
10. He hit the ball
(powerful) his competitor.
11. As we get older we remember things
12. If you don't study
(hard), you will fail the exam.
13. After the accident he drives
(careful) now.
14. She speaks
(good) before.
15. He visits his grandparents
(frequent) his brother.
16. David is very generous, but at times he spends his money
he should.
“Adverbs vs. Adjectives"
Adjectives: Music in a concert is louder than in a party.
Adverbs: Can you speak less loudly please?
1. You need to check your work a little
(carefully) for
spelling mistakes.
2. Sorry, can you speak a lit
(slow), please?
3. If you want to pass this exam, you'll have to study much
4. These days I forget things far
(often) than I used to.
5. Julie's guests arrived slightly
(early) than she expected.
6. If I change jobs, I'll have to travel a lot
(far) to get to
7. I'd like to have a more
(reliable) car. The one I've got
keeps breaking down.
8. I like living in the countryside. It's
(peaceful) living in a
9. You'll find your way around the town
(easy) if you have
a good map.
10. Your work isn't very good. I'm sure you can do
11. Don't worry. The situation isn't so bad. It could be
12. You're talking very loudly. Can you speak a bit
13. It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere
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