Thảo Nguyễn | Chat Online
03/11/2021 13:54:36

Give the correct form of the word in bracket

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----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Exercise 2. Give the correct form of the word in bracket.
1. The
- of people prefer TV to radio. MAJOR
2. The next stage in the.
of television is interactive TV. DEVELOP
3. The country's official,
of Malaysia is Islam. RELIGIOUS
4. I like this website because it is.
for me. USE
5. I hope to speak English as.
- as my teacher. GOOD
6. The
of the new guest caused trouble to my aunt. ARRIVE
7. He learns very well and his parents are
of him. PRIDE
8. Many
have made lots of changes to The ao dai. DESIGN
9. Thousands of people have been made
by the flood. HOME
10. She was
because her mother was sick. HAPPY
11. We take,
in being students of one of the most famous schools in this city. PROUD
12. What is the
between the ao dai nowadays and the one 100 years ago? DIFFERENT
13. The government has plans to
this city. MODERN
14. Those boys are.
to talk to. INTEREST
15. The earthquake in Kobe in 1995 caused,
damage. DISASTER
people eat sticky rice cakes at Tet. TRADITION
17. He is an
of this newspaper. EDITION
18. This book is not
19. It's an
day. ENJOY
20. Не,
answered these questions. EXACT
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