Thiên Tuyết | Chat Online
04/11/2021 20:21:09

Write full sentences, do as directed in the parentheses

Question 1. Write full sentences, do as directed in the parentheses (pt) 41. We haven't eaten meat since last month. (Make the questions for the underlined part)

42. farm/ meat/the/ kept/ produce/ cows/milk/ on/ are/ and/to/.(Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentence)


43. tourists / feel/ happy/ when/they/go/ Ha Noi (Write a complete sentence using the words given)


44. Some designers have modernized the Ao Dai by printing lines of poetry on it. (Change the sentence into passive voice)



45. "Do you live in the city, Maryam?” said Lan. (Change the sentence into reported speech)


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