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05/11/2021 09:08:33

Fill in each blank space with the most suitable word from the box:

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
C. coming
Los Angeles for many years.
43. has lived
A. lives
6. Shakespeare....
A. bom
7. She ..
(A. studies
8. My house
A. is built
9. He
A. has
10. The project must
A. be
II. Fill in each blank space with the most suitable word from the box: (2,5 ms)
C. lived
in 1564.
B. is born
many subjects at school.
B. has studied
C)was born
C. studied
.. for 2 months.
B. was built
C. has been built
Just got married.
B. had
C. have
finished on time.
B being
C. been
Two Americans. Jacob and Levi- Strauss, (11)............. the first jeans
1873. David (12) ...
(13)............ a special way to make strong clothing for workmen. The first je:
were blue. In 1935, jeans (14)............ fashionable for women after they ear
them in Vogue magazine. In the 1970s, Calvin Klein (15)....... $ 12.5 millie
week from jeans.
...... cloth from Levi's shop. He became Levi that
III._Rewrite the following sentences, beginning each sentence with the g
2021.11.05 09:07
Shot on Y11
Vivo Al camera
16. He often played the piano at night
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