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05/11/2021 21:11:29

Trả lời các câu hỏi sau

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----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Heart disease kills more people in Britain than any other disease, including cancer. One
adult dies every three minutes from heart disease. It is more common in men than women.
Age is also important. 80% of people who die of heart attacks are 65 or older. But there are
many things you can do to help your heart. Here are our top tips for a healthy heart!
- Do more exercise. Regular exercise is very good for your heart.
- Don't eat a lot of salt. We only need about 1g of salt a day. Most people eat about 6g!
- Eat more fruit and vegetables (at least five portions a day).
- Don't drink a lot of alcohol, but a glass of red wine every day can be good for your heart.
- Lose some weight.
1. Which disease kills more people in Britain: cancer or heart attack?
2. How many adults die of heart disease in Britain every hour?
3. How many grams of salt is it good to eat every day?
4. How many portions of fruit and vegetables should we eat every day?
Is alcohol always bad for your heart?
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