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05/11/2021 21:30:04

Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences


Ex 1. Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences.

1. The villagers are trying to learn English _____ they can communicate with foreign customers.

  A. so that                             B. in order that          C. although                             D. A and B are correct
2. _____ we had eaten lunch, we went to Non Nuoc marble village to buy some souvenirs.

A. After                                  B. Before                   C. By the tim                        D. Because
3. _____ this hand-embroidered picture was expensive, we bought it.

A. As                                     B. Because                  C. Even though                        D. so that

4. Conical hat making in the village has been passed _____ from generation to generation

A. on                                       B. down                      C. up                                   

5. This is called a Chuong conical hat _____ it was made in Chuong village.

A. but                                     B. so                           C. since                                    D. because of

6. I know some interesting tourist _____in the city that you would love to visit.

     A.     handicrafts                  B. attractions              C. sculptures                              D. craftsmen

7. As children move toward                     , they are less likely to ask for advice.

A.     independence             B. independent         C. dependence               D. dependent

8. He works as an                        in his uncle’s workshop.

     A.     artisan                           B. customers            C. embroider                   D. attraction

9. The artisan ______ this statue in bronze.

A. moulded                            B. cast                        C. carved                                      D. knitted

10. The artisans in my village can live _____ basket weaving.

A. for                                      B. on                           C. up                                    

11. There is a big _____of handicrafts made by di­fferent craft villages.      

A. collect                                  B. collection           C. collector                                    D.collecting

12. Last week we had a memorable trip to a new zoo on the ______ of the city.

A. outskirts                               B. middle                C. centre                                       D.mid

13. I invited her to join our trip to Trang An, but she ______ down my invitation.

A. passed                                  B. sat                         C. turned                                    D.closed

14. We have to try harder so that our handicrafts can keep _____ theirs.

A. on                                          B. up                          C. up with                                 D.up down

15. Your brain will grow and you’ll have improved self-control and_______ skills

A. housekeeping                   B. reasoning               C. social                                      D. emotion control

16.They can’t decide who _______ first

A. go                                       B. to go                        C. went                                       D. going

17. She is skilled at_______ cloth.

    A. giving                         B. carving                    C. doing                                  D. weaving

18. We didn’t go camping yesterday _________ it rained heavily. 

    A. because                        B. although                 C. despite                                     D. In spite of

19. Taking good notes                       students to evaluate, organize and summarize information.

     A.     requests                        B. requires                   C. allows                                    D. offers

20. If you like , I can  _______ flowers on the cushion covers for you.

    A. embroider                     B. make                   C.grow                                     D. knit

21. Please turn _______ the light when you leave the room.

 A. on                                      B. off                              C.up                                         D. down

22.    They keep changing the decoration of the shop ______they can attract more young people.

A. so that                              B. because                    C. although                               D. when

23.    Do you know who's­­­­­­________ his pottery workshop?

A bringing out                     B taking over                C. passing down                      D. turning down

24.    I've ________   the product catalogue and decided to buy this table.

A found out                          B. closed down             C. looked through                  D. lived on

25. The last exhibition was not ______ this one.

A. as interesting                    B. more interesting than interesting as          D. interesting
26. I don’t think Fred gets _____ with Daniel. They always argue.
A. over                                   B. through                          C. on                                 D. in

27. This city is developing ______ in the region.
A. as fast as                           B. faster than                     C. the fastest                     D. faster

28. You’re not a safe driver! You should drive ______.

A. careful                               B. careless                        C. more carefully               D. carefully

29. Japan is the_______ developed country in the world. „

A. most second                    B. second in most              C. second most             D. two most

30. I was disappointed as the film was ______ than I had expected.

A. as entertaining                 B. less entertaining              C. more entertaining      D. entertaining

31. This city has one of the most_______ underground rail networks in the world.

A. efficient                          B. fashionable                       C. cosmopolitan                      D. fascinated

32. Let’s take this road. It is ______ way to the city.
A.  the shortest                      B. a shorter                C. shortest                               D. A and B are correct

33. China is _____ far the most populated country in the world.

A. as                                       B. by                           C. so                                            D. to

34. 1. Nam didn't know________ to find more information about the course.

A. what                                   B. why                        C. where                                    D. while

35. He asked________ it was too early to apply for the course.

A. if                            B. for                                   C. when                         D. that

36. Karachi in Pakistan is the _____ largest city in the world in population.

A. most                                   B. two                         C. second                                   D. three

37. She has taught English here ________ 10 years.     

A. in                                        B. for                          C. since                                 D. from

38.    This laptop is much more user-friendly, but it costs_______ the other one.

A. so much as                        B. as many as            C. twice as much as            D. twice as many

39.    Today's cities are_______ than cities in previous times.

A. lots larger                         B. much larger             C. as large                        D. the largest

40.The girls are making fun ____ me so I’m very embarrased

A. to                                        B. for                          C. with                                    D. of

41.Physical changes are different for every, so you don’t need to feel embarrased or______

A. frustrated                          B. tense                      C. confident                          D. delighted

42.  "Do you sleep at least eight hours a day?" the doctor asked him.

=> The doctor asked him                     

A.   whether he sleeps at least eight hours a day.

     B.     did he sleep at least eight hours a day?

     C.     if he slept at least eight hours a day.

     D.     if he sleeps at least eight hours a day.

43.  "You should visit this company’s website", he told me.

=> He advised me                      

     A.     to visit this company’s website.           B. to visit that company's website,

C. visited that company’s website.               D. visited this company’s website.

44.  "I sent you the book last week," my mother told me.

=> My mother said                      

     A.     she had sent me the book the week before.

     B.     she had sent me the book the previous week.

     C.     she has sent me the book the previous week

     D.     Both A & B are correct.

45. He's not sure when he should start the computer.

     A.     when to start        B. what to do             C. whether to tell.     D. how to deal

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