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06/11/2021 17:58:48

Read the following passage and choose the best answer

Read the following passage and choose the best answer

          David Hempleman Adams is an explorer and adventurer. In April  1984, he walked through Northern Canada to the North Pole. He walked 400 kilometres in 22 days. He was 27 years old when he did it. David was the first person to walk to the North Pole by himself. Other people travelled to the North Pole before David but they had a sled and a dog team. David didn't have a dog team. David was a brave man to go on this adventure on his own. He was also a lucky man because the bear and the icy water didn't kill him.

(sled: xe tr­ît tuyÕt do chã kÐo)

1. Which of the the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?

          A. David drove to the North Pole

          B. Noone travelled to the North Pole before David

          C. David was the first person to walk to the North Pole alone.

          D. It was very cold in the North Pole.

2. David travelled to the North Pole with ..........:

          A. a group of people                B. a dog team                                    C. another person                    D. nobody.

3. Which of the following  is NOT true ?

          A. He was killed by the bear.    B. He walked to the North Pole alone

          C. He walked 400 kilometres   D. He was 27 when he travelled to the North Pole

4. The phrase "by himself" can be replaced by ..........:

          A. alone.                                  B. successfully

          C. with other people                          D. on foot

5. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

          A. A lucky man              B. A walk to the North Pole.             C. Without a dog team    D. Icy water

Part V. Closed test

Use the given word to fill in each of the blanks to make a meaningful passage:


was having






to see











          Yesterday was a bad day for Albert. …(1)… seemed to go right for him. First of all, he woke up …(2)… for school. That was unusual for Albert because he always …(3)… his alarm clock for 6.30 before going to bed …(4)… night and have always …(5)… up as soon as the alarm goes …(6)… in the morning but this morning Albert …(7)… even hear the alarm. In fact he didn't probably …(8)… up until eight o'clock or even …(9)…if his mother didn't get up …(10)… if Albert had gone to school yet. She was …(11)… to find him still in …(12)… and shook him hard …(13)… he got out of bed.

          When Albert finally …(14)…school, the second lesson started one hour before that and the class …(15)… a test. The teacher was very angry with him. What a  bad day for poor Albert!
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