ᗩᗯ_Miηʑ | Chat Online
07/11/2021 09:45:31

Give the correct form of the capital words. Write your answers in the blanks

II. Give the correct form of the capital words. Write your answers in the blanks. (0.5p)


"Self-study" is a blanket term which means different things to different people. It can be used to mean "autodidactic", or refer to self-help material for those who, for (1. WHAT) .............................. reason do not have access to a teacher.

For students following a distance learning course, such methods are worthwhile as they are designed for those who cannot attend (2. RESIDENCE) .............................. courses, which are far more expensive.

There are many drawbacks to self-study for university students, however, as one studies in isolation and cannot enjoy exactly the same lifestyle as the traditional type of (3. GRADUATE) .............................., who is combining new social and academic experiences. Those who choose to use self-study as a path into the realms of academia do so for very different reasons, which depend on their financial background to a large extent. Today, no one frowns on this, seeing it as a positive step towards (4. LIGHT) ...............................

Self-help courses are also available for those who recognize they have some kind of psychological problem but who cannot afford the fees charged by psychoanalysts. Such courses need to be carefully selected, but they can be (5. BENEFIT) .............................. to those who seek self-help.   

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