gemini | Chat Online
10/11/2021 15:40:01

Chọn đáp án đúng: Our teacher's ... is that we set up a project on preservation of our traditional games

giúp mik vs cần gấp 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
14.Our teacher's
traditional games.
A. offer
15.I found the letter in my bag. - I
is that we set up a project on preservation of our
B. suggestion
C. scheme
D. order
to post it.
A. forgot
B. would forget C. was forgetting
16.Does he tell you how he is getting.
B. on of
17.Unfortunately the new system didn't
A. catch up with B. bring about
18.The doctors sayit'll take him a long time to get
his new colleagues?
A. on with
C. away with
D. out of
our expectations.
C. come across
D. come up to
the shock.
C. through
stop interrupting me whenever I speak.
C. could
A. past
B. above
D. over
19.1 wish you
A. will
B. would
D. might
20.The policeman is happy_
_the kids safe and sound now.
B. be found
C. to find
A. finding
21.The children were acting
the story of the birth of Jesus.
A. out
В. on
C. down
D. at
22.The manager told me to pass_
_the message I had just read.
С. on
A. in
В. to
D. for
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