yến linh võ ngọc | Chat Online
10/11/2021 19:31:20

Rewrite the sentences beginning as shown or as directed in brackets:

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Rewrite the sentences beginning as shown or as directed in brackets: (2.5ms)
1. I think her new novel will become a bestseller
(Finish the sentence using a dependent clause of reason/ time)
Lots/ products/ produce/ Phong's family workshop/ every year.
(Make a complete sentence using the cues given)
Henry is older than Julia, but she is taller than he is. (EVEN THOUGH)
(Rewrite the sentence using the given subordinator so that the meaning remains the same)
I was feeling tiring last night, so I went to bed early than usual.
(Underline and correct TWO mistakes)
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