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11/11/2021 18:10:12

Circle the correct words to complete the sentences : The man stopped to help the doctor buy / Change a tire. The doctor knew / didn't know the man. The man took the doctor's old tire / suitcase

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4 After reading
Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. The man stopped to help the doctor buy / Change a tire.
2. The doctor knew / didn't know the man.
3. The man took the doctor's old tire / suitcase.
4. The man lost /gave the doctor his lottery ticket.
5. The doctor kept/ didn't keep the money.
6. The man was / wasn't sorry that he robbed the doctor.
Talk about it!
5 Work with a partner. Talk about the questions.
1. Do you think the doctor did the right thing when he gave the money to t
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