Phương Mai | Chat Online
12/11/2021 08:16:13

Chia từ trong ngoặc

1.          His father has an                    disease. There is no known treatment. (cure)

2.          Do you like                             (chemist)

3.         To become a pharmacist, you must meet the certain state    (require)

4.         A pharmacist has to be                     (care)

5.         Japan is an                              country. (industry)

6.         Human beings will never forget the                       of Europe from the fascists by Allied troops. (liberate)

7.         He won wide               in the field of tropical medicine. (recognize)

8.         She appeared with a                                    smile. (content)

9.         They have                                measures to reduce unemployment. ( effect)

10.      Relaxation exercises can                  your body of tension. ( freedom)

11.      Highly                            industrial processes have been applied in the developed counties. ( mechanic)

12.      We have some                                   for typists. ( vacant)

13.      He often went to work late;                                      he was sacked. (consequent )

14.      The second of September is Vietnamese                                     day. (depend)

15.      He had no                                but to leave.(choose)

16.      Children need to have good                                   (educate)

17.      My sister still does her                                    by hand. (wash)

18.                                 to newsreel programmes, TV station broadcasts a lot of interesting programmes. (add)

19.      What has women’s                            movement resulted in? (liberate )

20.     He was                       because of his illness. (absence)
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