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12/11/2021 08:19:41

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 7

1. We need a _________ of bread to make the sandwiches for everyone.

A. carton                    B. bar              C. loaf            D. tube

2. Flour is the main _________ in cakes.

A. recipe                    B. dish            C. formulary              D. ingredient

3. My lemonade is a bit _________. Can you give me some sugar, please?

A. sour                       B. sweet         C. spicy                      D. salty

4.My hobby is ______________.

A.cooking                  B. cook           C. to cooking             D. cooked

5. ___________water should I put into the glass?

A. How                       B. How much            C. How many D. What

6. Can you tell me ____________ this dish?

A. to cook                  B. how to cook          C. cooking     D. how to cooking

7. “What is your ___________ dish for breakfast? - “It’s beef noodle soup”

A. favourite               B. most                       C. best            D. liking

8. The eel soup that your father has just cooked tastes very______________.

A. delicious               B. best                        C. healthy      D. well

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