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12/11/2021 14:17:07

Choose the best one to complete the sentences (A; B; C; or D)

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Choose the best one to complete the
sentences (A, B, C, or D): (3 pts.)
1. Many tourists visit the
their religion is Islam.
A. church
here because
B. mosque
2. Hoa: “What is your favorite type of clothing?"
D. shrine
A. Oh. It is comfortable.
D. Sure. I will.
B. Jeans and T-shirt
C. I'd love to
3. Some designers take
Vietnam's ethnic minorities.
A. poetry
D. inspiration
4. In the 1990s the worldwide economic situation
worse, the sale of jeans stopped growing.
A. divides
5. He doesn't depend
B. experiments C. tradition
B. got C. consists
his parents any
A. of
В. of
С. on
6. Students are wearing the uniforms with
_bearing their school's name now.
A. pride B. signsC. regions
7. – Lan: Would you like to come and visit me next
D. labels
- Liz:
B. That would be great! C. Yes,
summer, Liz?
That's right, I am.
please D. No, I don’t
8. Five million bottles of Champagne
in France next year.
A. were produced
B. prod
C. will be produced
D. are produced
9. Our teacher often makes the students
small discussion groups.
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