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12/11/2021 14:18:04

Choose the best one to complete the passage (A; B; C; or D)

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
V. Choose the best one to complete the passage (A, B,
C, or D): (1.5 pts.)
For centuries, the aodai is the traditional dress of
Vietnamese women. It consists (25).
tunic that is slit on the sides and (26)
La long silk
Lover loose
pants. Nowadays, women usually wear (27)
especially on special occasions. However, (28)
women like modern clothing because it is more
convenient. Some designers want to change the
traditional aodai by (29)
adding the symbols such as suns, stars, crosses, and
stripes, so it looks both traditional and fashionable. It
is (30)
lines of poetry on it or
_unique dress.
В. of
25. A. in
C. at
D. for
26. A. wear.
В wore.
C. wearing.
D. worn
27. A. them.
C. its.
В. it.
D. it's
28. A. many.
B. much.
C. a lot.
D. any
29. A. print.
B. printings.
D. printing
B. any
30. A. some
D. an
VI. Put the following words in the correct order: (0.5
31. wear /used to /long- sleeved /They/ blouses
32. is going to /A new bridge /built /in the /be/ area.
Answers: 31. They
32. A new bridge
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