Ngoc Hieu Nguyen | Chat Online
13/11/2021 10:23:44

Rewrite the sentence using “so"

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Câu 23. Long always gets good marks because he is hard- working.( Rewrite the
sentence using “so")
A. He is hard-working, so Long always gets good marks.
B. Long is hard-working, so he always gets good marks.
C. Long is hard-working, so Long always get good marks.
D. He is hard-working, so Long alway gets good marks.
Câu 24. Be a buddy( provide )classes for street children last year.(Give the correct verb )
A. Be a buddy provided classes for street children last
B. Be a buddy has provided classes for street children last year.
C. Be a buddy have provided classes for street children last year.
D. Be a buddy was provided classes for street children last year.
Câu 25. He/ take great care/ young trees / next month. ( Make complete sentences)
A. He takes great care of young trees next month.
B. He took great care of young trees next month.
C. He will take great care of young trees next month.
D. He has taken great care of young trees next month.
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