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13/11/2021 15:20:40

Wh-Questions: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Future Simple

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Wh-Questions: Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past
Continuous, Future Simple
1) My nephew had a terrible stomachache last evening.
2) I am not coming to work today, because my daughter has a flue.
3) They were eating a delicious cake, when the telephone rang.
4) My mother was very shy, when she was a little girl.
5) My brother always cheats at the exams, because he isn
good pupil.
6) My cousins are arguing about politics at the moment.
7) While we were having dinner, the ghost vanished.
8) His sister was a very sensitive girl
her childhood.
9) My parents always pay their
every month.
She chose a very beautiful dress to go to the party.
If there is a
My wrist hurts when I play the piano.
She was speaking softly, because the baby was sleeping.
His sister imme diately recognized me, when I entered the room.
My brother has a short straight brown hair.
They don't feel any fear when they climb the mountains.
If you have some doubts about this job, you can always quit.
We will go to France next year, if we have some extra money.
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