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16/11/2021 09:09:28

Choose the best anwser

Giúp mình vs ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
TEST 15 - ENGLISH 9 /1
Full name :.Lau.. Din..
Class: 9 A....
Choose the best anwser.(10 ms)
1. We are really .....
a. impress
2. His .. .made us happy.
a. unfriendly
3. A lot of .....
.by the beauty of Ha Long Bay.
to impress
c. impressing
C friendliness
....come to Van Mieu every day.
c. visiting
b. friendly
d. unfriendline
a. visitor
4. Ha Noi is not.
b. visitors
d. visited
.from Kuala Lumpur
a. difference
d. differently
b. different
5. The ...language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia
b. national
..is free.
b. educate
c. differ
a. nation
c. nationality
d. nationally
6. In Malaysia ..
c. educationally
....currency is the ringgit.
c. in
.subjects for children in Vietnam.
c. optional
a. .
d. educational
7. The Malaysian unit
b. on
a. to
8. Maths and Literature are ....
a. adding
d. religious
b. compulsory
9. He moved to Australia, but he still keeps in.....
b. coming
d. meeting
a. writing
10. Miss Hoa speaks English
c. touch
b good
a. bad
11. They often go to that
A. market
c. slow
to pray.
C. hostel
.... students for the program.
C. to exchange
B. hotel
D. shrine
12. We have some
D. exchanging
A exchange
13. Are you a stamp
A. collecting
14. Cattle and sheep are geazing in the
A. bridges
15. Getting to the village is a very
A interesting
16. The weather is nice. Shall we
A. go
B. exchanged
B, collector
C. collect
D. collecting
C. fields
.. journey.
C. interest
mountains this morning ?
B. rivers
D. meadows
B. interested
D. interests
B. travel
C. come
D. climb
17. My village lies near the ...
A foot
18. He is considered one of the greatest
A. heroes
19. What do you think about his
A. collect
of the mountain and by the river.
C. feet
.... of the country.
C. heroines
of coins ?
B. leg
D. legs
D. heroic
B. heroin
C collection
at the entrance to the village.
C. forest ranger
D. collective
B. collector
20. There is a small bamboo ..
A. forest
D. forestry
B. forestation
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