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Read the passage and decide whether the statements that follow are True or False

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Reading Comprehension :
@. Read the passage, and decide whether the statements that follow are True or False :
Attention please. Here is a special announcement. A little boyis reported missing. He was last seen 10 minutes ago near the
parking lot in front of the supermarket. His name's Tom and heis 5 years old. He has short black hair. He's wearing shorts -
brown shorts and a short-sleeved white shirt. He is wearing a pair of shoes - grey shoes. He may be carrying a teddy bear. If
you see Tom, please bring him to the information desk. His mother is waiting for him there. Thank you.
1. A five-year boy, Tom has been lost.
2. He hasn't been seen for 10 minutes now.
3. Someone last saw Tom standing in front of a market.
4. His pair of shoes is blue
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