Hồng Hải Nguyễn | Chat Online
18/11/2021 20:03:43

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

2. Next month I have a week's vacation. I ___am planning___ (plan) to take a trip. First I ______ (go) to Madison, Wisconsin, to visit my brother. After I ______ (leave) Madison, I ______ (go) to Chicago to see a friend who ______ (study) at the university there. She ______ (live) in Chicago for three years, so she ______(know) her way around the city. She ______ (promise) to take me to many intereting places. I ______(never/be) in Chicago, so I ______ (look) forward to going there.
3. Hello. This ______ (be) Kitty Beamish. I ______ (speak) to you from Oxford, where the finals of the World Quiz Championships will be held tomorrow. The favorite is Claude Jennings of Cornwall, the man who ______ (know) everything. Twelve months ago no one ______ (hear) of Claude ennings, although he ______ (take) part in quiz competitions for years. Now suddenly he is a big star. So far this year he
______ (answer) every single question correctly. And he is popular, too. When he ______ (arrive) here two days ago, hundreds of fans ______ (wait) at the station to welcome him. Since his arrival Claude ______(read) encyclopedias in his hotel bedroom. He is clearly the man to watch. And now back to the news desk.
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