Doãn Triệt Hòa | Chat Online
22/11/2021 12:39:53

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
→ She asked me what__fhme I gor
Part 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.
Example: 0. Let's collect used paper to recycle. ,25
→ How about collecting used paper to recycle?
1. No house in this area is more beautiful than my house.
- My house is the
2. "Should I help him with his homework?" I said. x
+I wasn't sure
3. "I don't play tennis." She said.
> She told that
4. "Are you students?" Minh asked us.
- Minh asked
5. I expect to see you.
I look -
6. They can't decide who should first.
- They can't
7. I wondered: " How can I make this cake?"
I didn't know
8. "What are you going to do tonight, Kien?" I asked x
→ I asked Kien
--The end
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