Nguyễn Thiều Ngọc Minh | Chat Online
24/11/2021 22:14:28

Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences:

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
III. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences:
16. Anna: I've hugged a bear. 0 C0
Tom: What? You
A. be kidding
B. are kid
I C. must be kidding D. must kidding
17. I think custom is a/ an
way of doing something.
А. ассеpting
18. The education gave him a lasting respect for
B. unacceptable C. accept
D. accepted,
A. tradition B. customerinigo C, information D. difference .
19. It is bad Jo0 to talk with your mouth full. cn
A. manner2n92 (B. mannersic1on C. tradition D. traditions
20. I'm preparing for the
A. presentable B.
21. According
cnext week. icon
C. presentation D. presenting
tradition, a tree grew on this spot. io pnolq sibi:
B. by
On C, with
the family tradition and did not go to the pagoda.
A. to
D. at
22. He broke
A. by mt, B. in
C. to
D: with bs
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