ღᏠᎮღ Rɨӄǟȶօʀɨ ʟà աɨɮʊ ☂⁀ᶦᵈᵒᶫ | Chat Online
27/11/2021 13:40:51

Điền vào chỗ trống

50 xu cho ai giúp mk hai bài này đầu tiên ạ , làm hết luôn mk cho 50 xu ạ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. What time does the library close?
It close
about past four.
2. Can you help me with the washing.
3. We look
the new words in the dictionary.
4. You shouldn't eat and watch TV
the same time.
5. Do you have a meeting
Thursday morning?
6. Schools in Vietnam are different
those in the USA.
7. What is your date
8. Farmers work from morning
night on their farms.
9. I like to live
the countryside because people there are more friendly.
10. Mr. Minh is
work now.
Choose the correct answers to complete the following sentences.
1. Oh, I don't like pork
a. I don't like, too
b. Either do I
c. Neither doI
d. So don't I
2. He was only thirteen, but he ate
his father did.
a. as much as
b. more that
c. much than
d. as much than
3. When you are in the swimming pool, play
and listen to the pool
a. safe/ careful
b. safely/ careful
d. safely/ carefully
c. safe/ carefully
4. These are their books and those are
a. we
b. our
C. ours
d. us
novels are very interesting.
a. These
b. This
c. That
d. It
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